So this morning I've been working the Caz and Dec website. I don't know much about building a website (I'm sure you can tell) so was always going to use a website builder to create my own.
I have to say I've been really impressed using Wix so far. I used a few templates before settling on the current one. Then I changed all the colour to a monochrome scheme and pink highlights. Now the free comic is close to finished it's time to show the website some more love. First of all I had to complete the outstanding SEO setup. This is so the website can rank on search engines such as Google. The process was super simple and while I'm sure it can and will need to improve, I'm confident enough to know where to go to do so. Wix had a couple of handy videos to do so. Here's one :)
So I completed this setup and a few other bits this morning and now if you search for Caz and Dec on Google the website will show up. Who will do that? No one! But least the site is more complete than it was yesterday, leading me onto the . . .
I think I've mentioned I'm not looking to make money from this venture. Initially I was thinking of the project being my side hustle. I'm happy and comfortable working our a business model, plans etc but it just seemed a lot to take on with work as well. So by making it a passion project instead, I felt a lot more comfortable focusing my energy on producing the free children's comic, instead of making a dollar or two. So why the shop? Well as you will see if you visit the page, it's a very small one. I thought if people did like the growth mindset story they might want their own piece of it. So there is a sticker of the original logo, Caz and Dec. I haven't created or produced these stickers. They will be printed on demand through the Printify portal. Don't know much about them but will order some stickers for myself and let you know about them in another blog post.
Hope you are all well and thanks for reading about my journey with Caz and Dec :)